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Clean energy for EU islands
Visit Nagu

Island facts

Exact population
Exact surface dimensions
Local grid
Secretariat engagement

Nagu is an archipelago located in the southwest of Finland. It consists of two main islands, Storlandet and Lillandet, but has many smaller islands as well, in a total area of 1698 km2, of which 246,8 km2 is land-area. It has a population of 1336 individuals (2019), with a significant increase during the summer months being a popular holiday resort - not least for boaters. The two official languages are Swedish (majority) and Finnish (minority). Nagu is populated all year round and there are multiple services including restaurants, supermarkets, health station, library etc. However, most of its livelihood comes from tourism.

 The island is connected to the mainland by a ferry, which can be boarded either by car, bus, bicycle or by foot. The ride to Pargas takes about 10 minutes and thereafter the mainland city of Turku can be easily accessed by car or bus. The operating ferries have been upgraded to electric hybrid, each equipped with a battery pack, which if needed can also run in diesel.

 The citizens' vision is to see Nagu self-sufficient and carbon dioxide neutral using its local energy resource and become a sustainable living place with more local production and more children with an enhanced circular economy, and with more bridges within the archipelago.


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