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Clean energy for EU islands



Island facts

Exact population
Exact density
Exact surface dimensions
Local grid
Secretariat engagement

There are about 9,558 inhabitants on Hiiumaa. It is the second-largest island in Estonia and part of the West Estonian archipelago. This archipelago is located in the Baltic Sea. It has an area of 989 square kilometres and is located 22 km from the Estonian mainland.


How does Hiiumaa produce energy? 

After the shutdown of Kärdla power plant in 1977,  Hiiumaa was integrated into the single Estonian energy system with a cable brought along the seabed from Saaremaa. On the island, the main sources of renewable energy are wood and solar technologies. Less wind, but there is big potential.

Connection to the mainland goes through ferry and planes. It takes 75 minutes by ferry end 25 minutes by plane to get to Hiiumaa.

On Hiiumaa, there is public transport (bus), but many tourists use bicycles and cars. Locals prefer cars because of the distances and low population density.


Vision - Green Hiiumaa

An island with smart and green solutions, the sustainable and wise use of resources. This includes connecting economic development and environmental sustainability and including recycling into waste management. The island aims to set an example for others by using clean energy with the smallest ecological footprint.


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